♡ Fascinating Android 7.1 With Lovable Tweaks ♡

Android 7.1 is the version of Google's mobile operating system. Nougat 7.1 makes its unveiling on the Google Pixel as well as Pixel XL, the corporation’s primary home-made phones, and makes its way to some other devices too. Whilst the pre-Pixel version of Android 7.0 Nougat was a reasonably subtle update from Android Marshmallow, as it pertains to noticeable user interface modifications, Android 7.1 Nougat transforms a lot.

Android 7.1 Lovable Tweaks
  • Innovative Round Icons
  • Zippy Quick-Action Shortcuts
  • Notification redesign & fast reply
  • Settings Menu Overhauled

The Android 7.1 update introduces a number of novel features along with capabilities for users & developers.

  • Smoother & Quicker
  • Improved Battery Performance
  • Added Intelligent Notifications
  • Native Split-Screen

  • Split-Screen Could Present Inter-App Controls

Android 7.1 may possibly not be the greatest operating-system update we've ever seen, although plenty of the alterations, as well as upgrading, are significantly appreciated & improve upon key sections such as battery life, notifications control & seamless updates.

♡ Fascinating Android 7.1 With Lovable Tweaks ♡ ♡ Fascinating Android 7.1 With Lovable Tweaks ♡ Reviewed by Unknown on 14:14 Rating: 5

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